Everyday moments make us who we are. We have shared with Dory [@ladellazo] these fragments of time and a very interesting conversation to get to know her a little better.

Quality, authenticity and trust are 3 of our most important values. Do you identify with them?
Absolutely. Those three values give me security, and that is something very important to me.
What is your favorite routine?
Eating breakfast. Whether I go out or at home, it is something I love. So I always try to dedicate the time it deserves. Even if I have to get up very early. In fact, you could say that it is my motivation to get out of bed every morning. On days off, the second coffee of the day is usually my favorite.

You often share old photos with the hashtag #MeLoSigoPoniendoTodo. Is it important for you that a garment is long-lasting and timeless?
Absolutely yes. I think we have to be aware that the fashion industry is very polluting, so I try to invest more in quality than quantity. I have not been aware of this all my life. So the hashtag, which started out as a silly thing, has ended up being like my self-check that I am giving that garment the use it deserves.
In the end, whether it is timeless or not will depend on your personal style and, luckily, each of us has our own. And well, the fact that there are girls who tell me that they remember me when using this hashtag makes me feel quite happy. It seems like we are creating a small community. Very indie, but ours.
What do you like most about being at home?
Feeling 100% comfortable. I may have had a good or bad day, but when I get home I change my clothes, make myself a coffee and everything looks different.

We love your Instagram feed. Your style exudes a love for nostalgia for some things from the past. Do you think that's the case? Why do you think these kinds of things catch your attention?
I really like that it can be interpreted like that, because in the end when you have your own style, you make the trends your own. I'm from the generation that was sold that disposable and fast fashion was the best, something I deeply deny. Maybe that's why I came out of it so upset. I have always been attracted to fashion and folklore, and therefore to all the craftsmanship and history that they entail.
And although I don't believe in the saying that any time in the past was better, I think that knowing where we come from makes us better.
What is your favorite time to read? Recommend us a book that you liked.
On vacation or on any means of transportation.
And I think that we should all read El Evangelio, by Elisa Victoria.
What is your favorite AVET item and why?
The 31060 panties, WITHOUT A DOUBT. I love how they look, and they couldn't be more comfortable.

What is it with What do you enjoy most about your work on Instagram?
Being able to be creative, being myself, and receiving feedback in such a quick and honest way.
One day I can think of a concept and develop it, and another day I can just take a selfie because I'm wearing a headband that I really like, or upload a photo of my dog.
And it all has a place in my feed.
Your house is full of interesting objects. Do they have a story behind them?
Some do, some don't. I have furniture, objects, and paintings that I bought after a lot of thought, others, however, I picked up off the street. Some I inherited and others I found in flea markets and second-hand stores. I think this is like tattoos, some you get with a very thought-out meaning and then others because you liked them and that's it.
In the end, the mix of everything is what defines me the most.

Your top 3 bars in Barcelona.
Andorra Bar, L’Electricitat Winery Bar, Bar Leo.
In your Instagram bio you define yourself as: Virgo, eclectic and folkloric. Tell us a little more.
Well, basically, that's literal. I think I'm a Virgo in terms of being detail-oriented, observant, and thinking about things more than necessary. My personal style is very eclectic, since I've loved mixing everything up since I was little. Textures, colors, styles...
And I'm passionate about folklore.
In fact, I'm going to recommend a podcast called ¡Ay, campaneras!, by Lidia García. She talks about the song, with so much admiration, that it hooks you.

What aspects do you value to trust a brand?
That it has values that fit with mine. I like to think that, even if it's on a small scale, by choosing where or who to buy from I can make a difference in society.
A mantra that you need to repeat to yourself from time to time.
I don't know if I need to tell myself this, but I repeat it a lot: "it could be worse."
You still buy from haberdasheries and neighborhood stores. Why do you think it's important to do so, and what do you like about it?
This question gives rise to a huge debate, but trying to sum it up in one idea, I would say that if we want to keep cities with essence, it is everyone's responsibility to value those small businesses that are surviving the big stores.
I understand that we all like new things, and that many times more importance is given to price than to quality, or to the speed of buying everything in a shopping center.
But if we forget about these haberdasheries and neighborhood stores, we will end up having cities that are copies of each other, full of franchises and without that nostalgia for our past in the signs and shop windows or in the personalized treatment.